Good morning! The sun is shining and I know full well the weather is going to turn again this weekend, because it's England, but stuff it, I shall rejoice in the sun, however brief it is!
This is actually a Finish Along Finish! Bet you thought there wouldn't be any of those! (I wasn't sure...)
This is the Triple Pouch from Aneela Hoey's Stitched Sewing Organisers book. And it's terrifying! But it looks really cool.
Ok, so obviously these projects are intended as sewing cases and organisers (hence the book name) but one of my friends is a teacher, which means stationary, which means a massive pencil case with 5 pockets is ENTIRELY up her street.
Also, because I suck, I made her xmas present in February... oops.
This project involves a lot of fabric, and lot of interfacing, a lot of zips, and a LOT of fiddling.
One of my main complaints with this book (and I don't have many) is that there aren't process photos, there are little line drawings. Which for the most part are FINE, but in this project, where there are loads of layers of fabric and pins all over the place, was not helpful. I nearly got in some serious muddles during this because it wasn't clear which layer was supposed to go where, and words aren't very helpful. I'm a visual/doing learner.
Consequently this wasn't a quick project. Well, it took an evening and half a morning. That's not necessarily quick for me.
So, fabric. As I said, there's quite a bit of fabric involved here. 2 large pouches and their linings, plus a small pouch and it's lining. Plus zipper tabs. Plus interfacing.
I always knew this penguin fabric was going to be for this person (it was bought specifically for them) and it's been lurking while I worked out what it was going to be. I still have quite a bit of it, which is good as I think I've worked out a bag pattern that it would work really well as a lining for. But I digress.
It's not quite quilting cotton, it's a little bit lighter. I bought it from The Village Haberdashery AGES ago, so I have no clue to be honest.
I was going to line it sensibly with the Lewis and Irene stars, but then I a) cocked up the cutting and b) found some Wonder Woman fabric in my stash. It was meant to be.
So it all got cut and interfaced and I put the tabs on the zips and went and had dinner.
I apparently didn't take any process photos, or at least I didn't keep them. There are probably a bunch floating round instagram, as I was working on this during the Saturday Night Craft Along, and I take photos of everything anyway (hence why my phone memory is now full and complaining)
This is it open, and as you can see there is LOADS of space in there! You can also see that I thought I was being clever with my lining placement, but in face bodged it so that rather the two inner linings be Wonder Woman, I got one inner and one outer. No great loss, but it does vaguely offend my need to have things symmetrical.
Partially open, you can see how the zips go in opposite directions, which is excellent as it means the tags don't get tangled, and when you open the big zip, it doesn't open the smaller one at the same time.
And finally, behold those penguins! I was really careful with my cutting so that there were no weird floating feet. The other side isn't quite as neat, but you can still see non-beheaded penguins!
Also how neat are my zips? These are probably the neatest zip insertions I've done to date, and I'm well chuffed!
All told, I'm not sure if I'm going to make more of these. I like the pattern, but it is a lot of faff and I did get fairly annoyed with it in several places.
We'll see.
If you're reading this on my blog page, you might have noticed a new button asking you to buy me a coffee. If you enjoy my inane ramblings and think I deserve MOAR CAFFEINE to power them, throw me a couple of quid? It will go on coffee and cat treats and fabric. Also my rent and council tax have gone up again this year. There is also a link to my Etsy store, because I make too many things!
This is actually a Finish Along Finish! Bet you thought there wouldn't be any of those! (I wasn't sure...)
This is the Triple Pouch from Aneela Hoey's Stitched Sewing Organisers book. And it's terrifying! But it looks really cool.
Ok, so obviously these projects are intended as sewing cases and organisers (hence the book name) but one of my friends is a teacher, which means stationary, which means a massive pencil case with 5 pockets is ENTIRELY up her street.
Also, because I suck, I made her xmas present in February... oops.
This project involves a lot of fabric, and lot of interfacing, a lot of zips, and a LOT of fiddling.
One of my main complaints with this book (and I don't have many) is that there aren't process photos, there are little line drawings. Which for the most part are FINE, but in this project, where there are loads of layers of fabric and pins all over the place, was not helpful. I nearly got in some serious muddles during this because it wasn't clear which layer was supposed to go where, and words aren't very helpful. I'm a visual/doing learner.
Consequently this wasn't a quick project. Well, it took an evening and half a morning. That's not necessarily quick for me.
So, fabric. As I said, there's quite a bit of fabric involved here. 2 large pouches and their linings, plus a small pouch and it's lining. Plus zipper tabs. Plus interfacing.
I always knew this penguin fabric was going to be for this person (it was bought specifically for them) and it's been lurking while I worked out what it was going to be. I still have quite a bit of it, which is good as I think I've worked out a bag pattern that it would work really well as a lining for. But I digress.
It's not quite quilting cotton, it's a little bit lighter. I bought it from The Village Haberdashery AGES ago, so I have no clue to be honest.
I was going to line it sensibly with the Lewis and Irene stars, but then I a) cocked up the cutting and b) found some Wonder Woman fabric in my stash. It was meant to be.
So it all got cut and interfaced and I put the tabs on the zips and went and had dinner.
I apparently didn't take any process photos, or at least I didn't keep them. There are probably a bunch floating round instagram, as I was working on this during the Saturday Night Craft Along, and I take photos of everything anyway (hence why my phone memory is now full and complaining)
This is it open, and as you can see there is LOADS of space in there! You can also see that I thought I was being clever with my lining placement, but in face bodged it so that rather the two inner linings be Wonder Woman, I got one inner and one outer. No great loss, but it does vaguely offend my need to have things symmetrical.
Partially open, you can see how the zips go in opposite directions, which is excellent as it means the tags don't get tangled, and when you open the big zip, it doesn't open the smaller one at the same time.
And finally, behold those penguins! I was really careful with my cutting so that there were no weird floating feet. The other side isn't quite as neat, but you can still see non-beheaded penguins!
Also how neat are my zips? These are probably the neatest zip insertions I've done to date, and I'm well chuffed!
All told, I'm not sure if I'm going to make more of these. I like the pattern, but it is a lot of faff and I did get fairly annoyed with it in several places.
We'll see.
If you're reading this on my blog page, you might have noticed a new button asking you to buy me a coffee. If you enjoy my inane ramblings and think I deserve MOAR CAFFEINE to power them, throw me a couple of quid? It will go on coffee and cat treats and fabric. Also my rent and council tax have gone up again this year. There is also a link to my Etsy store, because I make too many things!