I started the cutting last night, got about halfway through, thought I'd screwed up the interfacing, gave up and went to bed.
Came home this evening, running on 4 hours sleep (god I'm sick of these high winds already; my street is a wind funnel) and thought that more work on it would be a bad idea. When have I EVER paid attention to that kind of thinking?
Finished the cutting and started ironing interfacing while I was making dinner, finished ironing the interfacing and fusible fleece after dinner and thought I'd leave it there.
But no.
No, I started sewing (once I'd stared at the instructions and then googled for finished versions of the project, because I was having issues working out where one of the pockets was intended to go).
The two open pockets have been started. I'm in love with the fabric all over again. I wish there was a slightly better colour match on the thread, but I've not been able to find one, and in some ways I quite like it.
I won't be working on it tomorrow as I'm out gaming in the evening, but once I've done all my boring grownup stuff on saturday, I might manage a bit more before me and a friend sit and watch Season 3 of Game of Thrones.
Could I love this fabric more? I really don't think so :D
So much ironing :/ My iron is very confused (I don't iron. Ever. My dad despairs.)
In squid news: one of the samples has arrived and is a completely different colour to what was on the website. I'm waiting for the other to show up, and hopefully I'll be paid for the fabric tomorrow so I can actually buy it.
Came home this evening, running on 4 hours sleep (god I'm sick of these high winds already; my street is a wind funnel) and thought that more work on it would be a bad idea. When have I EVER paid attention to that kind of thinking?
Finished the cutting and started ironing interfacing while I was making dinner, finished ironing the interfacing and fusible fleece after dinner and thought I'd leave it there.
But no.
No, I started sewing (once I'd stared at the instructions and then googled for finished versions of the project, because I was having issues working out where one of the pockets was intended to go).
The two open pockets have been started. I'm in love with the fabric all over again. I wish there was a slightly better colour match on the thread, but I've not been able to find one, and in some ways I quite like it.
I won't be working on it tomorrow as I'm out gaming in the evening, but once I've done all my boring grownup stuff on saturday, I might manage a bit more before me and a friend sit and watch Season 3 of Game of Thrones.
Could I love this fabric more? I really don't think so :D
So much ironing :/ My iron is very confused (I don't iron. Ever. My dad despairs.)
In squid news: one of the samples has arrived and is a completely different colour to what was on the website. I'm waiting for the other to show up, and hopefully I'll be paid for the fabric tomorrow so I can actually buy it.