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Showing posts from August, 2018

Finished object: Sapphire Cushion

Shall we blog? Probably ought to. Life is honestly not great at the moment; work is horrendous and my mental health is taking a bashing as a result. As well as the general fall down of looking after myself and my house, it means I'm not crafting as much. Especially not stuff like sewing that means I have to move from the couch to the sewing room, and focus. I'm doing a fair bit of brainless knitting, and that's about it. But before this all went to shit, I did manage another finish on my QAL list!

Finished object: Carriag mitts

Today at work I am mostly being grumpy and procrastinating by uploading all the patterns I have saved on this computer to my google drive, and blogging. It's too warm, my boss is doing my head in, and quite frankly I hate everything about this job apart from the bit where occasionally they remember to pay me. So the first thing to blog is going to be a pair of completely seasonally inappropriate knitted mitts! When I'm not crafting or working or sleeping, I do a thing called Live Action Roleplay (or LARP, or LRP, depending on who you ask). It's like a combination of Dungeons and Dragons mixed with historical re-enactment, and I've heard it described as cross country pantomime before. We run around the woods (or fields) dressed up as Elves and Dwarves and humans and fight monsters and do politics and fake!religion and have all sorts of fun. I have big LARP (Empire) that I help run and is terrifying and huge and is in a field and people pay lots of money for, and...